My attitude? I have told the Truth to the best of my knowledge. My conscience is clear before God right now.
You can falsely judge me all you like. It bothers me none at all.
I will say, though, that it sucks to see you welcome me as a new member with such kindness and warmth, and now here you are berating and belittling me. That's amazing.
You can falsely judge me all you like. It bothers me none at all.
I will say, though, that it sucks to see you welcome me as a new member with such kindness and warmth, and now here you are berating and belittling me. That's amazing.
to falsely accuse me. Now you play the victim card and think you are justified.
FYI? Falsely accusing people of things they did not do is not kindness.
Yet you repeatedly do it while crying about lack of kindness.
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