FYI: those I know who are apostles would not be recognized by the NAR or any of its variants. They are critical of any amalgamation of politics and religion or activism and religion. NAR is simply the most recent spin on an old Pentecostal/Charismatic theme.
The Evangelicals also tend to migrate toward larger congregations and celebrity teachers. What is perceived is "church growth" is actually just church movement into larger groups. The church in the US has been steadily losing members for many years now. (link) Like moths to a flame, people will gravitate toward what attracts them. Large buildings, entertaining music, coffee shops, celebrity speakers, etc. are all good for business.
And yet, when you ask a box-church-goer "Who watches over your soul according to Hebrews 13:17?" many of them have no clue. They know it's certainly not their "head pastor" with whom they cannot get a meeting for several months. Or their Sunday School teacher who they barely know. It's odd to have a mantra like "It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ" and then to not have a personal relationship that resembles anything like a walk with Christ, Paul with Timothy, Titus; Peter with his spiritual house; John with his, etc. The pattern is there in black and white, yet the Roman view (of a far-off, fickle god of whom it is most important not to anger) is preferred. Well, certainly preferred by the leaders who will gladly take the resources of the people with very little effort to show for it.
The Evangelicals also tend to migrate toward larger congregations and celebrity teachers. What is perceived is "church growth" is actually just church movement into larger groups. The church in the US has been steadily losing members for many years now. (link) Like moths to a flame, people will gravitate toward what attracts them. Large buildings, entertaining music, coffee shops, celebrity speakers, etc. are all good for business.
And yet, when you ask a box-church-goer "Who watches over your soul according to Hebrews 13:17?" many of them have no clue. They know it's certainly not their "head pastor" with whom they cannot get a meeting for several months. Or their Sunday School teacher who they barely know. It's odd to have a mantra like "It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ" and then to not have a personal relationship that resembles anything like a walk with Christ, Paul with Timothy, Titus; Peter with his spiritual house; John with his, etc. The pattern is there in black and white, yet the Roman view (of a far-off, fickle god of whom it is most important not to anger) is preferred. Well, certainly preferred by the leaders who will gladly take the resources of the people with very little effort to show for it.
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