I'm having a hard time seeing where these 6 men state the earth is a globe, but will take your word for it.
Isn't Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong the two astronauts who couldn't see stars on the moon? They can see the earth is a globe, but they can't see the stars on the moon. O.k.. Sure would of been nice if they would of taken pictures of those stars during some part of the mission to the moon, that is supposedly 250,000 miles long (according to heliocentric model).
I did notice you bypassed a few questions that were presented, but will restate them, if you want to give it another shot.
Who are the hundreds, who have seen the globe? Not the earth, but have seen and confirmed the earth is a globe?
For the record, you are proclaiming to the world, that sun is the center of the universe, and not God?
Here is the concave hollow earth thread, just in case you really do wonder, how it's possible for some to believe it to be true. By the way, I find the earth spinning at 1,000 miles per hour, while also traveling at 66,600 mph around the sun, to be quite outside the realms of possibility, but you can believe what you want, that is your choice.