If the Earth is flat where are the photographs of the ice boundaries?
No one needs to leave the planet to photograph the square, flat earth. If there isn't a curve, there isn't a disc.
Someone only has to travel East or West along the equator to find the magic ice-wall that allegedly circles the disc earth.
You are free to indulge yourself in foolishness. I am free to dismiss it.
Yeah, there is no ice wall. How can flat earth peeps say there is an ice wall when no one has actually seen or photographed it?
Certainly, the bible makes no mention of an ice wall. so how can someone categorically state that there is one.
Seems to me that since there is no mention of this ice wall in the bible than that means that they were probably taught that through a secular source.
Massive amounts of evidence, bogus or genuine, exists to substantiate a round earth but absolutely no evidence exists, bogus or genuine supporting a flat earth.
I'm not saying that flat earth peeps are naive, some actually are intelligent, but they need to stop accepting everything from the Flat Earth Society as the gospel truth. Actually, there is no truth from this organization.