That fix you are on about with alcohol is a trap...
I have been at the bottom of many bottles and cans , and ended up destroying my life and those close to me...
Thank God He was there watching me destroy myself , HE was the fix , JESUS CHRIST fixed me , and not temporary either , He came to save me from what you are thinking about doing...
Alcohol is not the answer to your problems , Jesus is the WAY , the TRUTH and the LIFE Amen...
I have been at the bottom of many bottles and cans , and ended up destroying my life and those close to me...
Thank God He was there watching me destroy myself , HE was the fix , JESUS CHRIST fixed me , and not temporary either , He came to save me from what you are thinking about doing...
Alcohol is not the answer to your problems , Jesus is the WAY , the TRUTH and the LIFE Amen...
Believe me, before I take my first drink for this, I continue to study my Bible and read other items about wine-consumption. This possible drinking is not for fun: I study it like I would before taking medicine. Also, I dislike the tastes I've had so much, I won't be drinking much wine. And if it doesn't work for me, then it is no problem stopping. Much easier than stopping consuming sugar!
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