OK, it's time to get back to this thread...
Have you ever wanted to know what was meant by a particular scripture, or had a question about something that you couldn't find the answer to? Would you like to know how to ask God and get the answers to your questions? (I hope so.

) Well, here's some of what I've learned.
Take a little bit to consider what it is you're really asking. For example: Are you asking God to do something... or... asking why he didn't/doesn't do something... because those aren't the same thing. And perhaps most important in this area... decide whether or not you really want him to answer. Some people claim to, but really don't want him to because it would mess up their belief system.
Take a little bit to consider how you should present your request before God (if you want to be answered positively). Think about who you are going to be talking to. What kind of attitude should you present? etc. and I suggest you decide this for yourself, not necessarily listen to what your elders/teachers have told you is important...because it won't be them that is standing before God to get this answer. (It's going to be you. So give it YOUR best shot). I suggest using the name of Jesus, but if you're not sure about that perhaps you should ask him about that too.
Once you've made your request, LEAVE THE REQUEST ON THE TABLE, in the hands of God! DO NOT take it back before he answers. If you feel the need to edit your request, that's fine, but do NOT retract the request (unless you no longer want it). When you've given your request to God, it's now HIS, not yours. I'm not sure if I can stress enough how important this step is. If you were planning to do it yourself, you should have already done that. Now that you've given it to God, your role has changed. You are no longer the person who has responsibility for performing the request. Your new job is one of faith, trust, hope. Do not try to micro-manage God. Give him credit for being able to perform.
Do not think that God needs your "help". For example, if you've been pondering what a particular scripture means, but couldn't decipher it, place your request before God and then STOP trying to figure it out. If you've handed your request to God, it's effectively "on order"... you're only awaiting its arrival. However, you CAN ask him how it's going, if you'd like. If you've done
your part of "Ask, and ye shall receive" it's not wrong to expect him to do
his part. And you can remind him that you haven't forgotten about the request you've given him...and you that still expect him to answer. (as a matter of faith, not imperiousness). BTW, you should continue to read, pray, etc. but not fixated on that first topic. Start learning other stuff until he brings your answer.
It's not up to you as to WHEN he answers. You control when you place the request. God controls when he answers. (this step is basically just a reminder of the previous 2 points)
6. Thank Him. If you did a good job of considering how you should come before God, you probably already realized that appreciation is in order. Don't forget it now.

And this doesn't have to wait until the answer is manifest. If you truly believe that God is faithful to answer, then there's nothing wrong with thanking him before you see the results.
That seems a bit wordy, but hopefully is still helpful.
One last thing, EXPECT to be answered. If you don't EXPECT to be answered, why would you pray in the first place??
Love in Jesus,