Satan has always been limited as to what he can do! In fact, we learn in the book of Job that he has to get permission from God to do anything, especially what he can do to a believer!
But look around to what is happening in this world and tell me who reigning on this earth, Christ or Satan?
Of course God's will is taking place, Jesus told us in Matt. 24, don't worry about these things taking place, for these things must come to pass. Jesus is telling us that Satan running wild on earth through evil men is the will of God to bring about the timing of God's plan for the world.
So you see, God is in complete control, but Satan is running wild doing what he does to prepare the world for the end when God wrap up His plan for man on this earth.
But look around to what is happening in this world and tell me who reigning on this earth, Christ or Satan?
Of course God's will is taking place, Jesus told us in Matt. 24, don't worry about these things taking place, for these things must come to pass. Jesus is telling us that Satan running wild on earth through evil men is the will of God to bring about the timing of God's plan for the world.
So you see, God is in complete control, but Satan is running wild doing what he does to prepare the world for the end when God wrap up His plan for man on this earth.
We must remember God has told us what lies ahead ready...death...or pre-tribulation conditions....etc. For example....the Bible says in the end times there will..."great (not some or a few) deceptions". et al.
What are we seeing...same sex marriage...homosexuality is ok, universalism, OSAS, baptism is not required, no need to follow God's commandments under NC/NT (per a well known ohio tv ministry recently) new age religion bible editions (all since 1960's) slanting and outright miss leading God's word and intent. No evidence is found of these new age religion interpretations before 1960.
What we are seeing is satan playing a part allowed...and that leads some to believe, as we see here that satan is king in charge. That is very miss leading to the Bible novice and/or new follower of Christ.
We must always keep writings and interpretive conclusions in context.
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