No. God said the Second Coming shall come after the Great Tribulation. At this time, the Raptured ones will be coming back down with Him in clouds. Instead of partaking in God's wrath, they have been partaking in the Marriage Feast.

Have a nice day.
1 Thessalonians 4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Have a nice day.
1 Thessalonians 4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
I believe we could understand this as a "second" coming, His first being when He came to bear the sins of many. Since we all are adults and have learned to count, IF there is a pretrib coming, that would be His second time to appear. There can be no IF for His coming as shown in Rev. 19: that is a guaranteed coming after the days of great tribulation. Again, IF there is a pretrib SECOND coming, then His coming in Rev. 19 would be His THIRD coming.
The question is, does scripture show us a pretrib coming? Certainly it does. Paul shows us His coming for the church as just before wrath or just before the start of the Day of the Lord. I suspect the rapture will be the trigger for the Day of the Lord.
John confirms this by showing us the great crowd too large to number - the just raptured church - in heaven before any part of the 70th week has started. (John starts the 70th week at the 7th seal and with the first trumpet judgment.)
Question: which statement would be more of a comfort:
A. The rapture will come before any part of God's wrath begins - the Day of the Lord or the 70th week.
B. The rapture will come after all the judgments of Revelation have finished, meaning the church must be on earth during the days of great tribulation.
I personally believe A above is far more of a comfort. I also believe that if anyone desires and chooses to be left behind to live through the days of great tribulation, I think God will honor their choice. I believe a far better choice is to choose God's plan of escape.
God said the Second Coming shall come after the Great Tribulation. Please show us where God has said this. I don't believe God has ever said this.
At this time, the Raptured ones will be coming back down with Him in clouds. Instead of partaking in God's wrath, they have been partaking in the Marriage Feast.
This I can agree with! YES! At the Rev. 19 coming, we are coming WITH Him, having just enjoyed the marriage and supper in heaven.