Brother it is you who do the twisting for you MUST twist Scripture in order to keep the lie of 'pre-trib' going.....
God will not let you out of your darkness until you repent of "adding to and taking away" from His words.
God will not let you out of your darkness until you repent of "adding to and taking away" from His words.
Your darkness will continue, unless you repent, right up to when you are made to choose between the Mark and death (should you be alive at this soon coming Revelation).
When the LORD says they were beheaded for their witness and "came alive" - you better believe Him
When the LORD says "this is the First Resurrection" - you better believe Him
When the LORD says they were beheaded for their witness and "came alive" - you better believe Him
When the LORD says "this is the First Resurrection" - you better believe Him
Which also disregards the phrase in 1Cor15:23 "[re: resurrection] But EACH [a word meaning "of more than two"] in his OWN ORDER / RANK" (which word means there is an "ORDER / RANK" to it; not that there remains only ONE at a SINGULAR point in time).
Recall that the word for "FIRST [ADJECTIVE; G4413]" is the SAME Greek word translated as "chief" in 1 Timothy 1:15 "...sinners, of whom I am CHIEF [G4413; ADJECTIVE - ]"... which I'm sure you would acknowledge that Paul was not saying he was the "first" sinner IN TIME [/time-wise], right?? Think about it. = )
For if you deny His words and then seek to change them - you will find yourself in great sorrow before Him.
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