Notice In the Post #502 above, Josephus called the Path from the so-called Temple Mount area, through the North Gate, the Occult Passage. I Highly suspect the Occult Romans, were only allowed to use that one Path if they wanted to go to the Temple, and of course the EMERGENCY COLONNADES entrance, (Covered Bridges), if the ZEALOTS got out of hand. I can image the Jews would not walk on those stones that Occult Passage through the North Gate. In the N.W. Corner facing North, was the Priests Gate, and they only could enter and exit. NOTICE, MORE EVIDENCE THAT THE REAL LOCATION IS THE OPHEL, UP TOP ONLY HALF A COHART COULD FIGHT IN THE DINKY FORTRESS, WHEN 6000 TROOPS, AND 4000 SUPPORT PERSONNEL, WERE IT HOUSED A FULL LEGION IN THE FORTRESS. AND IT BLOCKED THE PRIESTS ENTRANCE. In the N.E. Corner, facing North, is a Jewish Entrances where The Male and their Wives could enter, it was called the Sheep Gate. And the Eastern Cloister just outside the East Wall of the TEMPLE (Covered Walkway) was nicknamed Solomon's Porch.
JOSEPHUS – The Antiquities of the Jews -
Book 15 – Chapter 11 – Section 5
"... northern quarters three gates [equally] distant one from another; but on the east quarter, towards the sun-rising, there was one large gate, through which such as were pure came in, together with their wives; but the temple further inward in that gate was not allowed to the women; but still more inward was there a third [court of the] temple, whereinto it was not lawful for any but the priests alone to enter ..."
end quote:
I assume he is counting front to back, so First Gate, is the Sheep Gate, just around the corner is the Essene's Gate on the eastside.
The Second Gate on the north side is the North Gate, the one he called the Occult Passage. The Third Gate, is the Priest's Gate, that they did not understand it blocked the Priest Gate if you put it up on the Higher Hill. That {court of the} Temple, could be {closest to the} Temple, a typo.