That is utter madness that the law was put aside for how can it be, but the physical ordinances were put away for Jesus nailed them to His cross for they were contrary to us for they had no bearing on spiritual salvation.
Paul said we do not void out the law through faith, but we establish the law, live up to the law, and the law is spiritual and holy, and the commandment holy, just, and good, the moral laws, laws of love, which the ten commandments are laws of love towards God, and people, and the Spirit is our sabbath, a spiritual rest.
The Bible says if a person hates sin, and does not want sin, by the Spirit they can abstain from sin, for it is the ways of the Spirit and not the flesh.
A Spirit led life is not under the law, because their sins are forgiven, and they are not sinning, so the law cannot touch them for prosecution.
If a person holds unto sin they can confess Christ all they want, but they are under the law because a Spirit led life will not sin, and only a person led of the Spirit is not under the law.
We always have to obey the law, and by the Spirit we can do it.
And people should understand when Paul speaks according to the flesh, for by the flesh we cannot live up to the law, but by the Spirit we can live up to the law.
The same as people should understand when Paul is speaking according to the flesh, and Spirit, regarding faith, for we are saved by faith when we first come to Christ for that is all we can do.
But after we receive the Spirit we have to have charity, love in action, works to have faith, which Paul said he could have all faith so they he could remove mountains, but if he did not have charity then he is nothing, and said people that lack have erred from the faith.
But then James pointed out faith without works is dead, and he points out charity, feed and clothe people if you can.
People argue concerning saved by works, and not saved by works, but Paul and James are saying the same thing concerning works after a person receives the Spirit, that you have to have those works or you have no faith, which Paul said you have no faith if you do not have those works.
Paul and James say the same thing all the while people argue between the two.
We always have to obey the law, and live up to the law, but we cannot do it by the flesh, the Old Testament, but we can do it by the Spirit, the New Testament, for the fruits of the Spirit cause us to love people perfectly which is the fulfilling of the law, but what we are doing is not ignoring the written law but living up to it.
When the Bible says we are saved by faith and not the letter of the law it only means that we cannot live up to the law by a fleshy effort for we will not love people perfectly, but a Spirit led life will fulfill the law because they can love people perfectly.