Chaps I think we’re getting a bit closer to understanding each-other

Let’s consider some of the things you’ve said.
I work with computers by the way, for over 25 years.
Have you thought about how a game designer designs the game, allows for certain random elements in the game (let’s call that limited free will) while knowing the game completely how it ends while still enjoying the journey through the game even when you hit pause or fast forward in the game?
All of these words and concepts make sense to you and me from this point of view in relation to the game because we would be the creators in this case but how can we who are created here inside this universe use language to understand technical aspects of the Creator?
Which brings us to the Bible and language itself, something which I’ve mentioned here before.
The Bible should not be understood as an engineering book but a relationship book to our Creator, and even though you’re not using it as an engineering book, you kinda are, because you’re asking technical questions about Time without any of us knowing or understanding what Time really is.
So this is the problem. This is similar to many folks who think that the whole universe is 6000 years old, because they count generations from the Bible while direct observation with our eyes say that the universe is around 14 billion years old.
So I think it’s important to know the line or the border of the technical aspects of existence when reading the Bible as opposed to the faith and hope that we get from the Bible when we don’t understand these mysteries.
Because language itself is not enough to describe the Creator.
The only thing we know about God which relates to us personally in this existence is Jesus Christ who is the best thing that ever happened to humanity.
We see the Creator joining His creation and having an experience like us with joy and pain and all the range of emotions we experience.
He even wept before He raised Lazarus.
However despite all of that, we still don’t know how He perceives Time so you can even ask the questions that you’ve asked in a correct manner because we don’t even understand how Time works to ask the question properly.