I thought I had defined service/helps that way...........hmm, will have to look to see.
Also, when typing the OP, I wondered why the Article did not include Evangelists and Preachers in the gifts of the Spirit.............figured they classified them in some way......
Lemme see if it was my definition, or the definition used in the Article.......
I said:
We should all be able to SERVE the Church in some capacity, and to SERVE the people around us (world) as well
Isn't that pretty much what you said?
I think you do not give yourself enough credit when it comes to giving........You give time do you not? That counts......you give love and support to those in need, but, that might fall under encouragement........shoot, there's lots of ways one can give.......betcha you give more than you GIVE yourself credit for.
Also, when typing the OP, I wondered why the Article did not include Evangelists and Preachers in the gifts of the Spirit.............figured they classified them in some way......
Lemme see if it was my definition, or the definition used in the Article.......
I said:
We should all be able to SERVE the Church in some capacity, and to SERVE the people around us (world) as well
Isn't that pretty much what you said?
I think you do not give yourself enough credit when it comes to giving........You give time do you not? That counts......you give love and support to those in need, but, that might fall under encouragement........shoot, there's lots of ways one can give.......betcha you give more than you GIVE yourself credit for.
Well, maybe I am just fussing over terminology. But, when you say we ALL need to serve, does that mean, a gift of teaching, manifested in teaching the nursery class, is serving, or teaching? Or for that matter, is teaching the adult Sunday School, teaching or serving?
I see those as the gift of teaching. Not the gift of "serving" meaning a specific gift, used behind the scenes, to help around the church. perhaps teaching the nursery class isn't very open, but the adult Sunday School is. It is probably listed in the bulletin. That is not behind the scenes.
So, I guess I am trying to say that by broadening the definition of service, you have actually watered it down. Both to encompass every other gift, which I don't see in the Bible, but also you have lost the unstated power and contribution that is the gift of service.
I totally agree we should all contribute in church. And that means finding our God-given gift. But, I maintain that "helps" or service is a specific gift, and not everyone has it! It is special and unique, not a broad stroke covering everything anyone does in a church body.
And speaking of helps, please pray for my husband! He just came in with blood flowing down his hand and arm, having cut himself with a power saw. He does this every few years. Last time, he ground a tendon off in his hand with a disc grinder, had to have plastic surgery to reattach it; before that, he slipped off a shed he was roofing and broke his leg badly. Thanks for the prayers! (He is on his way to the hospital!)
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