It is a simple act of faith to believe Isaiah 9:6:
Read it in faith and you will believe it. Now, you will not fully understand it, but by faith you will be comforted and know it is true.
No! You will never fully understand the fact the He is Who He is, and He will be What He will be, but you will be tranquil in knowing the mystery is true.
I feel ever so confident when I pray to the Eternal Father knowing I am prayer to Jesus, yet I also feel fully confident when I pray to the Eternal Father and give the Aman in the name of Jesus that they are One.
I feel confident in Asking understanding from the wonderful, Counselor, Comforter knowing I am learning from the Word, who in the beginning was with God and Who was God.
Simple, believe in the gift of faith e you have already received.
Read it in faith and you will believe it. Now, you will not fully understand it, but by faith you will be comforted and know it is true.
No! You will never fully understand the fact the He is Who He is, and He will be What He will be, but you will be tranquil in knowing the mystery is true.
I feel ever so confident when I pray to the Eternal Father knowing I am prayer to Jesus, yet I also feel fully confident when I pray to the Eternal Father and give the Aman in the name of Jesus that they are One.
I feel confident in Asking understanding from the wonderful, Counselor, Comforter knowing I am learning from the Word, who in the beginning was with God and Who was God.
Simple, believe in the gift of faith e you have already received.
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