This comes from LACK OF KNOWLEDGE
Both of your understandings of what Paul is referring unto would be quenched if you would dig in, God says only those who seek Him with all their hears will find Him ad thus understand His ways. By reading the bible and looking at God's Spirit an ESSENCE of who He is it would soon come to most God is not a slave driving God who seeks to rule over "Computer Generated Beings" or else that is what He would have already done and you would be under His ALL POWEFEUL WILL, repeating just what He wanted you to say, soo your logic is lacking at best, it is nonsensical, tbh.
So, what does Paul mean via this Predestination? He is simply saying God PREDESTINATED us all unto life evermore via Jesus Christ, THE SACRIFICE that takes away the sins of all the world, but of course if men choose not to receive that FREE GIFT, they can, because God gave us free will, you can choose God or chose Satan, who won our Kingdom by tricking Adam & Eve. That's right, God GAVE Adam Dominion over this whole world, and Satan tricked him out of his Birthright and dominion.
So, God CHOSE US ALL......The bible tells us that also, but we must dig it out "here a little, there a little, line upon line", that is how the bible must be read in order to understand it......Thus the bible CLEARLY STATES that God WOULD NOT that any man should perish but that ALL MEN would have everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Do you get that sirs? It says God wants EVERY MAN to repent but you are inferring that God CHOOSES certain men, but that would make God a liar, and we all known He is not a liar.
I wonder if everyone understands why God told Abraham to Sacrifice his child !! God was showing Abraham and all mankind that God loved the world so much He was going to have to Sacrifice his only begotten Son in order to save mankind from their sins. That is what Paul meant by God PREDESTINED Jesus as a Sacrifice long go, before the Foundations of the world God knew He was going to have to send His son Jesus to redeem mankind. If pnev reads that Old English very carefully, they can finally see that is what Paul means, God PREDESTINED a Sacrifice for us because God foreknew we would need one. Thus He PREDESTI9NED us all unto life, not JUST some men, but ALL MEN.........................but sadly ALL MEN will not accept that free gift, of life. Some Condemned men are tricked by Satan who cleverly lies unto them until he captures their darkened souls.