The Lord thought it was so important to show what Christ does for us He had thousands of people play out a symbolic earthly acting out of Christ so we understand. Scripture devotes many verses to this explanation, and tells us to always celebrate it. Man has so objected to doing that, saying when Christ fulfilled it all that Christ put a stop to the celebration. Christ told us that He didn't do that, Christ backed up and even explained all His Father did for us.
We even make light of Passover by using ham as the accepted Easter feast, when in times past the Lord had people not consider ham food as pigs were designed to eat garbage and it symbolized feeding garbage to the mind.
I live in an assisted living facility, and it is now decorated with rabbits, ladies in new hats and eggs---in this facility's mind Christ has nothing to do with Easter, rabbits, eggs and new hats take the place of Christ.
We even make light of Passover by using ham as the accepted Easter feast, when in times past the Lord had people not consider ham food as pigs were designed to eat garbage and it symbolized feeding garbage to the mind.
I live in an assisted living facility, and it is now decorated with rabbits, ladies in new hats and eggs---in this facility's mind Christ has nothing to do with Easter, rabbits, eggs and new hats take the place of Christ.
Christianity hung the resurrection on this time that follows the vernal equinox, full moon, and sunday following
Same goes for Dec 25th Christmas, that is founded in the Pagan Roman Saturnalia, and winter solstice in the rebirth of the sun, wine, women, and song, Baccus the Roman god of indulgence.
January 1st, New Years Day, in commemoration to the Roman god of new beginnings (Janus) with the month named in this gods honor.
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