Magenta - first, let me say I am so glad that you are filtering everything I say because it means you are looking for Truth. So, let's look at the scriptures.....
Lafftur said: To some, loneliness might suggest lack but, to God loneliness produces desire to create something new.
Magenta said: I just don't see that anywhere in Scripture.
Lafftur's response: God can feel loneliness.... if God is NOT lonely then WHY does He even WANT a relationship with His Creation and even patiently deals with us and even wants to save us?????!!!!! Open your eyes Magenta - see and understand the depth of God's desire for His creation to know Him and love Him.
God wants us to be ONE with Him because He doesn't want to be ONE all alone. LOVE doesn't want to be all alone.
Lafftur said: Look through the eyes of LOVE and find the Heart of God - see how God sees.
God is God Almighty of ALL that is seen and unseen - there is NOTHING that He is not in complete authority over. He has EVERYTHING. However, God is LOVE and the greatest desire of LOVE is to love and be loved. If He has EVERYTHING yet, is not known or loved by His creation, it all means NOTHING to Him.
Magenta said: I don't see that anywhere in Scripture, either.
Lafftur's response: There are things in scripture that are hidden and you'll never see them without the Holy Spirit. However, even common sense tells us that people that have EVERYTHING feel empty - they thought "things, titles, achievements, etc." would satisfy but, it's only empty.....there's NO VALUE in ANYTHING without LOVE.
God has EVERYTHING, created EVERYTHING, owns EVERYTHING - there's NOTHING seen or unseen that does not belong to HIM. Yet, we run from Him chasing our own ways and He pursues us!!!! Seriously, why??!!! He should just annihilate us but, He doesn't. Instead, He deals with us because He greatly desires us because He wants our love and He wants us to know Him!
Paul tells us that even if we understand all mysterious and knowledge and have not love, we are NOTHING but a sounding gong. LOVE adds the VALUE to EVERYTHING!
Lafftur said: At the end of time, God is taking ONLY those that love Him and then He is going to destroy all the evil He created. He will have exactly what He wants which is to love and be loved.....
God's desire for YOU and all His creation to know Him and love Him is extremely GREAT! By The Word of God (Jesus Christ) coming to Earth to save us and show us the Love of The Father, He has made Himself known - we need to respond by receiving God's love for us and loving Him back in return.
Those that choose to know God and love Him, will receive the Blood and Body of Jesus Christ and be saved. Those that choose to NOT know God or love Him will perish.
God is going to have a new creation that He can love and be loved back. LOVE will NOT be satisfied until this is accomplished.
Magenta said: God did not create evil. He looked upon creation at every stage and proclaimed it "good."
Lafftur's response: Yes, God did create evil and darkness.
Isaiah 45:7 King James Version (KJV)
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
In summary, just know that God loves you and knows you and He wants you to know Him and to love Him. Enjoy your journey, I consider you a dear friend Magenta! God bless.