Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to lead His followers/disciples/apostles to 'ALL TRUTH'! John 16: "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth."
So my point is, " With so many disagreements/arguments/perspectives on every major element of Scripture, Old and New Testament (OSAS/Baptism/Rapture/Works/faith/salvation/real presence.......etc/etc......., there are obiously many that mistakingly think that they are being lead by the Spirit, but, they can't be because there are not multiple truths which oppose each other. Some are just incorrect/lies
The Spirit was sent to lead us to ALL TRUTH, not the differing truths that we blindly/vehemently cling to. How can we tell which of us has the Spirit, THE SPIRIT OF ALL TRUTH?
So my point is, " With so many disagreements/arguments/perspectives on every major element of Scripture, Old and New Testament (OSAS/Baptism/Rapture/Works/faith/salvation/real presence.......etc/etc......., there are obiously many that mistakingly think that they are being lead by the Spirit, but, they can't be because there are not multiple truths which oppose each other. Some are just incorrect/lies
The Spirit was sent to lead us to ALL TRUTH, not the differing truths that we blindly/vehemently cling to. How can we tell which of us has the Spirit, THE SPIRIT OF ALL TRUTH?
The Lord has been showing me a lot since I've given my life to Him... and it's humbled me so much.
But I've yet a lot to learn about just being humble, lol.
Anyway, I wouldn't want to presume that the "All" in this verse is a quantitative "all". Meaning that God is not going
to give us all there is to know about all there is in the universe. That's way too much data for a human being to hold
in our little brains, right? God knows all, and that's good enough for me.
Perhaps when we come to Glory, He might reveal All... maybe, IDK.
It never ceases to amaze me how people... good, well-meaning brothers and sisters in Christ, think that there's a
specific, right/correct answer for everything in the Bible. Bless their hearts, they try hard to know and diligently seek
the Scriptures for answers... nothing wrong with that! Good on them.
But you're right, I think, in saying that there are so many opposing views, on so many subjects... they all can't be correct.
And then to argue and squabble about how they alone have attained a truth that can only be held by our most Perfect Father!!
LOL, yeah... I don't think so. The notion that I'll ever be or have some Perfect understanding... of anything... is gone now.
Who am I to argue with God when He says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Romans 12:2 (ESV)
However, I do believe that while there can't be multiple Truths... there can be multiple and correct views/aspects of God's
Truth. That is, I can see one aspect of God's Truth while you see another and completely accurate aspect of the same Truth.
They don't really oppose each other; we just apply them to our own unique selves. Either way, God gets the Glory.
I think the "all" in this Scripture, is talking about All the knowledge that is required for us to do God's Will, which is predominately
Believe on Jesus' finished work. After that, then to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling.
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