In these discussion people lose sight of its centre.
Loving God with everything we are, and loving our neighbour as ourselves.
It sounds like some seem to want to claim this is impossible.
Did Peter, John and Paul not have the blessing of God and call us to do these very things?
Did they not all have struggles yet overcame in faith?
So the spirit which speaks against love speaks against God.
I have found some desperately claim talking about love is a cover for corruption and deception.
On this basis Jesus was corrupt and deceiving.
It is true the world betrays the love we are born with, and it is this betrayal we use as an excuse
to sin and hurt others. So we should respond in repentance and sorrow, that we are guilty of betrayal
of the very love Jesus gives us, and we need to learn how to love through and in Him.
The folk who oppose this will use words like drivel, false teaching, dooming people to hell, being
possessed or inspired by evil spirits. Now this is very odd, because no believer can talk against love
because God is love. But this is love with boundaries, limits, care, holiness, justice, truth and honesty.
This is not love betrayed or vulnerable people exploited, or sexual seduction of the innocent. And it is
true many have used the aspiration of love to destroy and abuse others, but these are people who have
been corrupted by needs, and use the weakness of others for their own ends.
Jesus calls us to know people and help build them up as brothers and sisters, parents and children, in purity
and holiness, knowing we are an eternal people, the elect walking in the Kingdom.