What are your thoughts on the following article (generally speaking--not every jot and tittle of it... mainly the general point quoted below)?
"Perfection; Where Is It? and What Is It?" by Charles Stanley [1821-1890; (not the one today in GA!
) ]
[quoting from article]
"[re: Hebrews and Heb6 in particular here] “Let us go on to perfection.” This whole epistle to the Hebrews is on this subject. The going on from that which made nothing perfect, to that which forever perfects.
"The perfect one is first set before us. Yes, God’s way is very simple. The law made nothing perfect; all perfection is found in Christ, the perfect one. Thus God begins. In Hebrews 1 the glories of the perfect one, the Son of God, shine forth. God had borne with the church at Jerusalem in tender grace. He knew how hard it was for them to give up all that was visible. The glorious temple in which they still worshipped its sacrifices and ritual; its ancient priesthood; what a power all this had; and then the reign of their Messiah postponed (Acts 3:19-21) — I say, all that glorious reign postponed; for a time every earthly promise set aside. And then we should remember, the worship of the early church was purely spiritual. No place of worship on earth; no separate priesthood; positively nothing for the natural eye to rest upon: even Jesus was gone up to heaven. And more, the Roman armies were now soon to come, and utterly destroy the temple, trample under foot the city of Jerusalem, and after fearful slaughter of the rejecting Jews, the remnant were to be scattered amongst all nations. All this was present to the mind of God. Now was it not most tender and gracious of our God to give them this very epistle, to draw them from the shadows to Christ?
"The destruction of Jerusalem was near, they knew it not; but God knew it. [...]"
[end quoting; bold and underline mine (more at link)]
"Perfection; Where Is It? and What Is It?" by Charles Stanley [1821-1890; (not the one today in GA!
[quoting from article]
"[re: Hebrews and Heb6 in particular here] “Let us go on to perfection.” This whole epistle to the Hebrews is on this subject. The going on from that which made nothing perfect, to that which forever perfects.
"The perfect one is first set before us. Yes, God’s way is very simple. The law made nothing perfect; all perfection is found in Christ, the perfect one. Thus God begins. In Hebrews 1 the glories of the perfect one, the Son of God, shine forth. God had borne with the church at Jerusalem in tender grace. He knew how hard it was for them to give up all that was visible. The glorious temple in which they still worshipped its sacrifices and ritual; its ancient priesthood; what a power all this had; and then the reign of their Messiah postponed (Acts 3:19-21) — I say, all that glorious reign postponed; for a time every earthly promise set aside. And then we should remember, the worship of the early church was purely spiritual. No place of worship on earth; no separate priesthood; positively nothing for the natural eye to rest upon: even Jesus was gone up to heaven. And more, the Roman armies were now soon to come, and utterly destroy the temple, trample under foot the city of Jerusalem, and after fearful slaughter of the rejecting Jews, the remnant were to be scattered amongst all nations. All this was present to the mind of God. Now was it not most tender and gracious of our God to give them this very epistle, to draw them from the shadows to Christ?
"The destruction of Jerusalem was near, they knew it not; but God knew it. [...]"
[end quoting; bold and underline mine (more at link)]