I just want to say, as for what 1 Corinthians 10:11 is communicating, "Now these things happened to them as types and were written for our admonition, to [/upon] whom the ends [plural] of the ages [plural] are arrived."...
...that this is referring to the two ways in which they are to be properly "applied" (for [/unto] the two distinct persons/sets-of-persons being referenced here). IOW, while WE ["the Church which is His body"] can apply the things written (i.e. apply to ourselves) in ONE sense [you could say, in a "spiritual" sense], they will elsewise be applied to ISRAEL in a more literal sense [in their future]: for example, "the entering of the promised land"... for US ['the Church which is His body'], we "apply" that in a spiritual sense, but in Israel's FUTURE days, this will be applied in a LITERAL sense--their entering the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom, promised to THEM).
So, yes, the OT is VERY IMPORTANT for "our learning," but only if properly understood, and properly applied.
...that this is referring to the two ways in which they are to be properly "applied" (for [/unto] the two distinct persons/sets-of-persons being referenced here). IOW, while WE ["the Church which is His body"] can apply the things written (i.e. apply to ourselves) in ONE sense [you could say, in a "spiritual" sense], they will elsewise be applied to ISRAEL in a more literal sense [in their future]: for example, "the entering of the promised land"... for US ['the Church which is His body'], we "apply" that in a spiritual sense, but in Israel's FUTURE days, this will be applied in a LITERAL sense--their entering the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom, promised to THEM).
So, yes, the OT is VERY IMPORTANT for "our learning," but only if properly understood, and properly applied.
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