behold the confusion in this post. from what I gather about your style of posting, everyone but you is always and consistently wrong. that is actually a common style often found in Christian forums and churches but let's proceed anyway. I do so because the error in this post is so outstanding I desire to point that out
1. God is indeed a consuming fire but that is not the reason people will find themselves in hell when the time comes. the lake of fire was actually created for the devil and his angels and not for the human creation that populates this planet
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41
so while humans may end up there because of their UNBELIEF, that eternal fire was not what God had in mind when He created it
2. The Bible clearly indicates that Christ died for all. ALL. not all will accept Christ as we know, but to state that somehow proves that the sacrifice was insufficient is the product of either insufficient information or a corrupted understanding of scripture and sometimes both.
And I do not for one moment believe you will accept any of that unless God actually does take over your will (as some here are wont to think) and make the correction for you
not going to bother to get into it with you and only bothered because the error represented by this one post alone is disturbing and needs correction
on the other hand, you may come back with such an egregious post directed at me, that I may feel myself moved to respond
just another day in the forums
1. God is indeed a consuming fire but that is not the reason people will find themselves in hell when the time comes. the lake of fire was actually created for the devil and his angels and not for the human creation that populates this planet
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41
so while humans may end up there because of their UNBELIEF, that eternal fire was not what God had in mind when He created it
2. The Bible clearly indicates that Christ died for all. ALL. not all will accept Christ as we know, but to state that somehow proves that the sacrifice was insufficient is the product of either insufficient information or a corrupted understanding of scripture and sometimes both.
And I do not for one moment believe you will accept any of that unless God actually does take over your will (as some here are wont to think) and make the correction for you
not going to bother to get into it with you and only bothered because the error represented by this one post alone is disturbing and needs correction
on the other hand, you may come back with such an egregious post directed at me, that I may feel myself moved to respond
just another day in the forums