I don't think the OP "tainted" anything, at all! Taunted? Perhaps these ones NEEDS be taunted! In some kind of "Can't handle the heat?...Get OUT of the kitchen!" Or? "If you think "THAT'S" Hot?....Just wait til I put some Nitro in the tank!" 
As if these frigging "bleeding heart" pansy's, need "coddling?"
Case ya haven't updated your scorecard yet, EG, There's a lot of big fish out there, as well as in here! That use "compassion", and "sympathy" as "targets", in their warrings against God's People!
As if these frigging "bleeding heart" pansy's, need "coddling?"
Case ya haven't updated your scorecard yet, EG, There's a lot of big fish out there, as well as in here! That use "compassion", and "sympathy" as "targets", in their warrings against God's People!
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