To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
Titus 1:15 NASB
And there you have the perfect law of liberty spelled out .
Enjoy you Christmas celebrations.
It's kind of ironic. I don't celebrate like everyone else does. I don't put up a tree or decorate, with anything more than a nativity commemorative scene.
I buy minimal gifts and prefer non purchased gifts, hand made stuff is awesome. I prefer the quiet solemn over celebrations, yet I find myself vehemently defending others freedom to do all those things that I don't do myself.
Titus 1:15 NASB
And there you have the perfect law of liberty spelled out .
Enjoy you Christmas celebrations.
It's kind of ironic. I don't celebrate like everyone else does. I don't put up a tree or decorate, with anything more than a nativity commemorative scene.
I buy minimal gifts and prefer non purchased gifts, hand made stuff is awesome. I prefer the quiet solemn over celebrations, yet I find myself vehemently defending others freedom to do all those things that I don't do myself.
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