Before my 400+ Acre Fire the Neighbor started:
After the Fire from Police Investigation Drone Picture:
LOOK HOW CLOSE the Black/Fire Damage is in relationship to my Home and Buildings:
Police Reports and Fire Departments reports the FIRE was literally 6 [SIX] inches from my Home and Buildings and they cannot understand how a fire that Roared through like a great wall {picture}
could get Up to the Home and Buildings and Suddenly change its mind and not burn the Home and Buildings?
When Police ask, do you believe in God, because this is a miracle of God like we have never seen before. GOD not only works Today, but He does it GREATER than what we read in the Bible today and on a much Grandeur Scale for hundreds of Witnesses to See the Power of God!

After the Fire from Police Investigation Drone Picture:

LOOK HOW CLOSE the Black/Fire Damage is in relationship to my Home and Buildings:
Police Reports and Fire Departments reports the FIRE was literally 6 [SIX] inches from my Home and Buildings and they cannot understand how a fire that Roared through like a great wall {picture}

could get Up to the Home and Buildings and Suddenly change its mind and not burn the Home and Buildings?
When Police ask, do you believe in God, because this is a miracle of God like we have never seen before. GOD not only works Today, but He does it GREATER than what we read in the Bible today and on a much Grandeur Scale for hundreds of Witnesses to See the Power of God!
God works miracles all the time.
However, He can not/will not answer all prayers because what we ask does not fit His overall plan.
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