No how Christ's true Church distinguishes itself is by how its members walk in love, not in a apostolic succession. That would be more lies by the catholic church.
So you just throw out or plain ignore St.Pauls letter to the Ephesians (Eph.2:19-21) because you disagree with history and Apostolic Succession? Interesting.
I am non-denominational and walk in faith and love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so do many others who are not in the catholic church. That alone makes them part of the true Church of the Lord, not rather they believe in a apostolic succession or not as that has no bearing on one's salvation.
Okay.... so what is it you believe that is sufficient for salvation? And what is your authority?
The proof is in the bible on the divisions, debates, and contentions among members in the early church bible days. If you have not seen that in scriptures then that shows you need to read the scriptures more as the bible clearly says this. Paul called out Peter for false teachers leading the Galatians astray, warned Timothy and other followers of the day of false teaching going on. Paul showed how members were picking and choosing who they wanted to follow, and arguing among each others on who they obey and follow; I am of Apollos and so on....
This sounds to me like Protestism of today with is 33,000 plus denominations, (yours included) all having a differnt interpretation of Scripture and all claiming to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. God is not a God of confusion! The Bible tells us the Church founded by Christ is "the pillar and foundation of truth". It's a powerful analogy. Once you remove the pillars and foundation from a structure, it warps and eventually collapses. Jesus told the leaders of the Church He founded, and no other, "whatsoever you bind upon earth is bound in heaven"; he who hears you hears Me"; the Holy Spirit will guide you to all truth". The Church Christ founded, the Holy Catholic Church, has endured in unity and in truth for 2,000 years. It has no denominations. But the 33,000 plus Protestant sects which rejects true authority and attempts to find truth through personal interpretation of the Bible (a book compiled under the authority of the very Church whose authoirity they have rejected) has a history of continuous fragmentation and doctrinal chaos.
p.s. when you say "early church bible days" you do relize that it was the Catholic Church (via the guidance of the Holy Spirit) whom compiled the bible in the 4th century do you not?
I will just give you a few that the catholic church does against what the Lord commanded; 1st they gave themselves titles as father and pope, putting themselves in place of Him and being called what He specifically said not to.
lol! I would love to have a nickel everytime I've heard this!!! You have to be refuring to Matt.23:9 where Jesus says.....
“Call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.”You, like many, often take this passage out of context. You should not read the Bible and take verses and apply it to whatever you wish. If you were to dig deeper into this passage, and if you were to read it literally, then no one can be called father. This would include our biological fathers and the “Founding Fathers” of our country. This would also contradict the commandment that we should honor our mother and father. Furthermore, there are also passages where Jesus refers back to the “fathers” of Israel. And, St. Paul in describing his very own church leadership refers to himself as the father to his children in 1 Cor. 4:14-15. “I do not write this to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children. For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers.
For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:14–15). There are other versus as well in the New Testament, in Acts 7:2, Stephen refers to “our father Abraham,” and in Romans 9:10, Paul speaks of “our father Isaac.”
In taking the full context of Matthew 23, you see that Jesus is condemning the scribes and Pharisees for lack of humility for not looking toward God for authority but rather setting themselves up as the ultimate authority. In the chapter, Jesus condemns them for using the titles rabbi (master), abba (father) and moreh (teacher), for their own selfishness and personal gains. A very crude example of this is a man having children so that he can get a tax benefit and treats his children as such. He is taking the role of “father” for his own selfishness and personal gains.
There are times I have to question when you say that you went through the RCIA classes. For if you did, you would know that we Catholics refer to Priests as “father” as a term of endearment and respect. The priests provides for our spiritual welfare just as a father of a family provides food, shelter and love for his family. Priests, through the Eucharist, provide us with our Spiritual food; through Reconciliation, provide us with forgiveness; through mass and the Bible, they teach us about God and His teachings; they listen and give us advise; and by their vocation, they sacrifice their life in service for us and our families. The Priests and the pope is our spiritual Fathers and we are their spiritual children.
2nd nowhere does He say we have to go to a priest to confess our sins and do hail marry's or our fathers to be forgiven, as all we have to do is go in prayer directly to Him in Jesus name confessing our sins and we will be forgiven.
Well then, you better read John 20: 21-23, because upon Jesus' death and resurrection, He passed on his authority to forgive sins to the Apostles!! (Apostolic Succession)
Jesus appeared to his disciples, breathed the Holy Spirit upon them, and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” (Jn. 20:21-23). This moment, when Jesus breathed on his apostles, began both the institution of the priesthood and the sacrament of confession. Christ gave his first priests, the Apostles, the authority to forgive and retain sins. It was his intention that all sin be forgiven though the Church by a confession of sins to the priests. The apostles passed on this authority to the Bishops and Priests. (Apostolic Succession)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms this; “In imparting to his apostles his own power to forgive sins the Lord also gives them the authority to reconcile sinners with the Church…. ‘I will give you the Keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’ ‘Since Christ entrusted to his apostles the ministry of reconciliation, bishops who are their successors, and priests, the bishops’ collaborators, continue to exercise this ministry.” (CCC 1444,1461)
Know I'm sure you are thinking......"Why not make a private confession during prayer?" "Why confess to another human?" Well Kenneth, keep in mind; it is necessary to repent before God for your sins. And the sacrament of reconciliation, Catholics are primarily repenting to God and seeking to reconcile with God. But there are some very specific reasons why, Jesus intended confession to happen through a priest. First, as Christ well knew, confession of sins to a priest, who re-present Jesus Christ on earth, requires a lot of humility, trust in God and the Church, and contrition of heart. The humility to sit in front of priest, the representative of Christ, and confess outwardly all the wrong things you have done is sometimes very difficult but yet very powerful. And thus, when the forgiveness is granted by the priest, the confessor experiences the mercy of Jesus himself through the priest. Second, by confessing to a priest, it reminds a person that the sin not only affects the individual but also others. The priest, not only represents Jesus, but also the entire Catholic community. God’s forgiveness, granted by the priest, reconciles the confessor to the entire Catholic Church. Lastly, by confessing to a priest, the confessor has someone to counsel and encourage the confessor, so that the sin does not happen again. For me....there is no other feeling in the world compared to the joy and peace in my soul after a good confession. God’s forgiveness through reconciliation is one of the many precious gifts given to us by Jesus.
3rd the latest thing they have done is allowing Christians and non-Christians (Muslims) worship together. Allowing unbelievers of Christ to worship side by side with them in the churches.
Are you talking of Pope Francis? If so, be a little more specific.
Many of popes have stated they have authority to put in place things that are not in the bible, even if they change or contradict. Paul clearly says no man will have this authority....
Okay.... if you believe this to be true, and like I asked before, (without a responce) give me the name of said Popes, and what part of Scripture they are supposedly to have changed or contradicted. And if..... (thats a big if) you can, please make it imprimatur (do you know the meaning of the word "imprimatur") or else your responce will not hold much merit.
Pax tecum
"For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. ---Lk.1:48