and our Savior was a Jewish man, following Jewish law.... are you Jewish?
What you do with your family is your business, but I think that if you are going to follow Jesus, as "discipleship", there are many, many more things you should do that mean WAY more than observing a Jewish holy day.
Give sacrificially, feed hungry people, clothe people that need protection from weather.. show love and compassion to everyone that is a societal outcast.. many more meaningful ways to be a disciple, that will have a much larger impact on the world than giving up a few of your creature comforts for a day as an outward show of piety.... IMO, of course.
If, on the sabbath, you took your family to a homeless shelter, or to a downtown area where homeless people live, and got out
amongst them and brought them a hot meal, and warm clothing in cold weather, which do you think would be more effective as a disciple? Find a homeless family and buy all the kids school clothes and supplies...
What you do with your family is your business, but I think that if you are going to follow Jesus, as "discipleship", there are many, many more things you should do that mean WAY more than observing a Jewish holy day.
Give sacrificially, feed hungry people, clothe people that need protection from weather.. show love and compassion to everyone that is a societal outcast.. many more meaningful ways to be a disciple, that will have a much larger impact on the world than giving up a few of your creature comforts for a day as an outward show of piety.... IMO, of course.
If, on the sabbath, you took your family to a homeless shelter, or to a downtown area where homeless people live, and got out
amongst them and brought them a hot meal, and warm clothing in cold weather, which do you think would be more effective as a disciple? Find a homeless family and buy all the kids school clothes and supplies...
I stated that obeying the Sabbath commandment is an act of discipleship. It is not the only act of discipleship, but one of many that a believer can engage in. I do want to highlight that the Sabbath is much more than "a Jewish holy day," or "a day as an outward show of piety." Scripture declares that it is God's holy day (Exodus 20:10).
The things you mentioned are certainly good deeds. Personally, I know Christians who minister in the ways you mentioned but don't believe the Sabbath commandment is required any more . And, I know Christians who minister in those ways on the Sabbath as part of their observance. All of these believers, in my opinion, are demonstrating discipleship to Jesus. My original statement was in no way meant to indicate that a Christian who holds to a doctrine that teaches the Sabbath commandment is not required can't be a good Christian or practice discipleship.