Did I say that? No, I did not. I said Christ died for the Whole world as the word of God says He was given for in John 3:16 Jesus speaking. No, I did say it was based on their choice.
You assume that and interject that thought because you believe it is that way IF one doesn't hold to your understanding.
As Jesus said, His Father would say that NONE should Parish. Just as Adam has the free will to obey or not obey, men and women have the ability to reject great salvation. Doing so is not transferred as a work of salvation. That is a false narrative.
Just like saying receiving a Gift is a form of work. It is not. That is an opinion. Nothing in the word of God suggests receiving a gift is a "work."
The issue is when (IMHO) people try to force others into a doctrinal position when I have the freedom NOT to agree with it.
I am not a Calvinist or Armian. I am saved by Grace through Faith, Not of works less any man should boast. A gift from God that I have received.
You assume that and interject that thought because you believe it is that way IF one doesn't hold to your understanding.
As Jesus said, His Father would say that NONE should Parish. Just as Adam has the free will to obey or not obey, men and women have the ability to reject great salvation. Doing so is not transferred as a work of salvation. That is a false narrative.
Just like saying receiving a Gift is a form of work. It is not. That is an opinion. Nothing in the word of God suggests receiving a gift is a "work."
The issue is when (IMHO) people try to force others into a doctrinal position when I have the freedom NOT to agree with it.
I am not a Calvinist or Armian. I am saved by Grace through Faith, Not of works less any man should boast. A gift from God that I have received.
The problem with people like yourself is that you do not know who you are because you do not yet know the God of Holy Scripture and somehow think that there is some kind of goodness in you that you could choose God when Scripture confirms that all are spiritually dead and cursed since the Fall unless somehow you think God lied to Adam in Genesis 2:17?
Until God humbles you and brings you to wits end, you will never know Him or truly call upon Him to be saved and will be left judicially blinded to think that somehow you can save yourself.
Even worse, some of you think God is unfair if He chose any for salvation!

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