Verse 23 speaks about the "ADOPTION" we have carnal minds because of the fall of mankind, we need to take on Christ and the Spirit is our guide to lead us unto all truths. But what Paul is saying in verse 29 and 30, is that God gave us a way back from the curse of Adam, via the "PREDESTINATED SACRIFICE" of Jess who was slain before the foundations of the world [ever existed] says the book of Revelation. WATCH HOW I DELINIATE THESE FACTS:
Rom. 8:29 For
whom he did foreknow(WeLl, God FOREKNOWS all and all things), he
also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son (Do you GET IT ? God Predestined EVERYONE to be CONFORMED unto Jess Christ with the simple ASKING), that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called
God calls EVERY MAN, the bible says so) and
whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified(God justified us in Jesus Christ), them he also glorified.
The problem is people do not look at other verses to confirm the bible. God states that he would not that ANY SHOULD PERISH, thus God calls all men unto him, and Pau is saying here, God predestined all mankind to be purged from their evil sin nature via the flood of Jesus Christ, then God who foreknew mankind would need to be purged, sent his son to be that once and for all Sacrificial Lamb, whereby all who receive this PURGING can thus be glorified in Christ Jesus.
They wrote these passages in Greek, then translated them into Old English[e]. I understand the KJV style, so it doesn't trip me up, but the reason is I goo about confirming these truths elsewhere in the bible, the essence of the bible shows God could never Predestinate people to Heaven or Hell and be a just God, BUT he could PREDESTINATE a Sacrificial Lamb for us all. So, I know what it means. Likewise, Daniel 7:11 says the Beast will DIE and then be cast into hellfire but Rev. 19:20 says the Beast will be CAST ALIVE into hell, so what gives? Well, Dan. 7:11 says the Beat will be killed and his body Destroyed, THAT IS PRETTY SPECIFIC, so reading Rev. 19:20, I can read between the lines, we know that ALL MEN (even the Anti-Christ/Beast must die one and be JUDGED, he has that right also. In this instance, he is killed, BUT he is never allowed to go to the Grave and sleep, he is cast STRAIGHT INTO HELL, Alive because our Souls never die. So, he is never given the chance to rest in a grave as all the others who will be judged in 1000 years at the Second Resurrection. This is how you gave to look at the bible, you have to work these things out. God did not predestine some to Heaven and some to hell, Paul is saying God predestined us all to be reconciled, but its up to us to ACCEPT the pardon !! Amen.