The best way to operate in this world as a reborn Christian is to stay away from Denominations. It's like a clique club of who's right. And they all align against one another. Which tells you they're entirely wrong.
Jesus made it simple. Leave it to people to screw it up. Because it is a great bit of power for that which invents a denomination to claim they own God's truth. Get ready for the devil to say this is Gnosticism.

There's a lot of those here.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
No one can come to God but through God. Jesus was God. If you believe in Jesus telling you that faith in him will let all those sins you've accrued since they were able to be tallied against you are washed away, you're saved and free. As soon as you believe in Jesus, who was God, you are filled with God's spirit.
The sin in the garden separated us from that union. We've been trying to find our way back to that union ever since. Jesus is that way.
Then , if you relax and visualize you are a new creation, baptize yourself. You can do this in your own bathtub. Ritualize it if you want. Submerge yourself in the water and believe you rise as Christ did from the grave. Leaving your old sinner self under the water. Pull the plug and your sins are washed away.
Rise up and you are reborn as from the watery womb of your mother. A new creation. Sinless an now a vessel that does God's will by his leading within you.
You've done things your own way for all those years before this. It will take time to let go and let God lead you. When you do you'll start to notice that everything that happens seems to have a fit. Like a puzzle piece into a bigger picture. And it is all positive.
Hard to describe in words. But when you see it for yourself you'll know it. And it is glorious.