That's not what he said. IOW, he's accusing some people here (and elsewhere) of being "lawless" in that they preach a "grace" which is separated from "truth" and/or "obedience" and then identifying the same as what he believes to be the true cause of division in the church.
Again, he's playing with your use of the word "Pauline".
An apparent allusion back to InSpiritInTruth's OP where he said:
IOW, he was seeking to "turn the tables" on InSpiritInTruth by suggesting that the ones who are truly "speaking with the mouth of a dragon" are those who teach a "grace" apart from "truth" and/or "obedience". Personally, I agree with him on this point in that that type of "grace" is really a "DIS-grace"...literally. IOW, God's "grace" enables us to OBEY HIM and His commandments.
Again, he's referring to "grace and truth" because God's "grace" enables us TO OBEY his "truths". As such, those who preach what has been called "greasy grace" or "sloppy agape" or those who teach "grace" as the big "cover up" are teaching that which is "incomplete". Again, "grace" is an ENABLER in that it gives us the needed power TO OBEY. That's his point.
He didn't say that he "rejects Paul". Instead, he believes that Paul taught OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMANDMENTS VIA GRACE.
Anyhow, I don't normally seek to answer for others, but, in this particular case, I'm quite confident that I properly responded on his behalf. If not, then I'm sure that he'll correct me.
Thank you dearly beloved, these are for you and others whose eyes and ears are open to understand. i am not accusing but 'reminding' and 'stirring up of memory' about all that is clearly written and taught by the Help of the HOLY SPIRIT, that,
'man shall not live on bread alone but by the every word that proceeded out of the mouth of GOD'.
every word is not a teddy bear to play with. HE means business and HE display them in the life of JESUS of Nazareth and in laying down HIS life and HIS chosen instrument's, in order to complete the New Covenant and gave for all of us to 'abide' and 'bear fruits' and also our fruits must 'abide'.
If in ignorant, someone boldly accuse others falsely, then it is a deviation deception to the lambs and sheep who are witnessing not only 'Grace' proclamation and welcoming others and together, also making them fit for hell as well, in the future, example, as the OSAS group proclamation.
We are called to step up, also in helping them in their stubborn ignorance, like the regeneration of the LORD's days Pharisees, not to forget the other
'every word' written as 'Truth'. Holding on to one word all thier lives and ignoring the others is stubborn and hardheaded's deception, continuing failure to listen to HIS voice in 'reminder' and 'stirring up of memory, not to at all forget, that sadly also working in other who are weak, in influence.
You did not defend me nor supported me but your similar knowledge understanding faith, standing 'unified' also for the written 'Truth'. You fight a good fight in capturing people's thoughts using GOD's word in complete sound doctrine knowledge to live to tell the 'Truth' and not partial, deceiving one's 'self' and others and 'soon these both will meet a ditch that they have blindly fallen into'.
When Apostle Paul was preparing young Timothy, what was he mentioning about the church and what to watch out for among them? And so learn what Apostle Paul instructed him to respond to them. Will these love him or hate him for acting Apostle Paul's instructions?
These are the same continuing 'itching ears' dogs who attack the LORD Himself who have instructed them and written them for us to witness and imitate.
So do we desire, the favor of men in pleasing men or the favor of GOD in pleasing GOD in honor to HIS MESSIAH?
Stop!, playing games with not only the, I AM that I AM is a loving GOD but also the
'consuming fire' of all men and their kind.