Previously, while researching this topic of "born of water", I have heard it said that it's not recorded anywhere that the Jews used the term 'water' for referring to natural birth, So therefore this must refer to hydro-baptismal regeneration.
Well, I don't think people look very hard to find things they don't want to find. I might have found a reference by complete accident.
Last night I was just letting youtube videos roll for background noise, and there is Nancy Pelosi looking sad and pathetic because her archbishhop is disgusted with her position on abortion. I expected her to ramble on, one stupid thing after another- but she said something smart! Well, something that was "factual" anyway- and it reminded me that many "jews" support abortion. Triggered by the notion; my heart demanded to know why this foolishness prevailed.
The Jewish approval of abortion (which is complete garbage) is apparenty outlined in the (completely worthless in my mind up until now) Talmud. Of course the Talmud doesn't have anything of value with respect to doctrine- but it does give insight into rabbinical thought- and in the Talmud- up until 40 days after conception, an embryo is considered "mere water" without a soul. Now I dont know who they thought they were to make a ruling on when God ensouls a baby. And I am convinced beyond doubt that it is utterly false to say an embryo is "part of a womans body". But that is tangental to the fact that the embryo was referred to as "water".
Now, I don't have a Talmud, and I don't know if the words in the Talmud are correctly translated "mere water" or "mere fluid"... but I'm going to find out.
I would hate to think that someone would say "there is no historical jewish reference to natural birth/water" without having checked the most obvious references.
Well, I don't think people look very hard to find things they don't want to find. I might have found a reference by complete accident.
Last night I was just letting youtube videos roll for background noise, and there is Nancy Pelosi looking sad and pathetic because her archbishhop is disgusted with her position on abortion. I expected her to ramble on, one stupid thing after another- but she said something smart! Well, something that was "factual" anyway- and it reminded me that many "jews" support abortion. Triggered by the notion; my heart demanded to know why this foolishness prevailed.
The Jewish approval of abortion (which is complete garbage) is apparenty outlined in the (completely worthless in my mind up until now) Talmud. Of course the Talmud doesn't have anything of value with respect to doctrine- but it does give insight into rabbinical thought- and in the Talmud- up until 40 days after conception, an embryo is considered "mere water" without a soul. Now I dont know who they thought they were to make a ruling on when God ensouls a baby. And I am convinced beyond doubt that it is utterly false to say an embryo is "part of a womans body". But that is tangental to the fact that the embryo was referred to as "water".
Now, I don't have a Talmud, and I don't know if the words in the Talmud are correctly translated "mere water" or "mere fluid"... but I'm going to find out.
I would hate to think that someone would say "there is no historical jewish reference to natural birth/water" without having checked the most obvious references.
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