I'll try not to sound like a smart alec but my process of critical thinking makes logic that seems silly to me translate them into logic that sounds silly to others and most people get it. If JESUS allowed himself to be gruesomely murdered for our shortcomings and free us from the bondage of ancient laws, why do you insist we go running back to it? Why stop at veneration of the Sabbath, why not go back to circumcision or not eating pork or making women cover their heads in church?
Are you advocating Seventh Day Adventist herisy? Are you making a case for strict obedience to Old Testament Law is required is required to remain saved? I'm not swayed, besides you don't know what day God created the earth or mankind or when he rested. You may think you do but you could be 1,00,000 years off, so if you want to go cover yourself in sack cloth and ashes, please be my guest. Just don't insist that salvation relies upon turning away from the cross and returning to the Law.
Jesus only gave us TWO commandments to obey and if you don't know what they are, well youv' been going to the wrong Church. Jesus said, "For I tell you that your unless rightousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." Mtt 5:20 NIV