The issue in my post addressed GOD's authority as given to humanity and how it was GIVEN AWAY to the Opposer (satan).
This thread purportedly addressed the question of women serving as pastors.
If the question is to be examined from a Biblical point of view, it ought to be acknowledged that a woman in such a position might occasionally refer to the Bible in one of her dissertations. Unfortunately no woman has provided an adequate dispassionate Biblically authoritative argument for women serving as pastors. Instead all manner of false accusations, which are violations of the 9th commandment, and politically correct justification has been substituted. One may suppose that such women, if placed in a position of leadership, might use this anti-Biblical point of view to justify their politics RATHER THAN GOD'S OPINION.
In point of fact, God is not interested in female opinions. He's not interested in anyone else's opinion either. It is rather our duty to be interested in God's opinion as expressed in eloquent detail in His Word. Unfortunately, the post protestant church infected as it is with politically correct attitudes and anti-Christian ideology, is not the place to go for Godly instruction or leadership. Could this be why our churches are suffering from lack of attendance as the years go by (ref: PEW & Gallup polls).
Bottom line is that God placed authority over women in the hands of men (Genesis 3). St. Paul warned against women in positions of leadership in church.
It is time to repent of our private politics and seek God's truth - interpreting it as it is meant to be interpreted by reading good doctrine out of the Bible - NOT reading one's ideology into it.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
This thread purportedly addressed the question of women serving as pastors.
If the question is to be examined from a Biblical point of view, it ought to be acknowledged that a woman in such a position might occasionally refer to the Bible in one of her dissertations. Unfortunately no woman has provided an adequate dispassionate Biblically authoritative argument for women serving as pastors. Instead all manner of false accusations, which are violations of the 9th commandment, and politically correct justification has been substituted. One may suppose that such women, if placed in a position of leadership, might use this anti-Biblical point of view to justify their politics RATHER THAN GOD'S OPINION.
In point of fact, God is not interested in female opinions. He's not interested in anyone else's opinion either. It is rather our duty to be interested in God's opinion as expressed in eloquent detail in His Word. Unfortunately, the post protestant church infected as it is with politically correct attitudes and anti-Christian ideology, is not the place to go for Godly instruction or leadership. Could this be why our churches are suffering from lack of attendance as the years go by (ref: PEW & Gallup polls).
Bottom line is that God placed authority over women in the hands of men (Genesis 3). St. Paul warned against women in positions of leadership in church.
It is time to repent of our private politics and seek God's truth - interpreting it as it is meant to be interpreted by reading good doctrine out of the Bible - NOT reading one's ideology into it.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
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