Brother old Major 
I like what you stated below and will add my comments below your two statements for review.
This is why you stated “I will give you what I think is the reason behinds God's direction.”
The creation order is the first reason Paul gives for prohibiting women from teaching or exercising authority in the church.
Paul doesn’t ground his command in cultural considerations or a particular problem with the women in the Ephesian church. Rather, he grounds his command in creation. He says that the reason women are not to teach or exercise authority over men in the church is that....
“Adam was formed first, then Eve”. Paul means that God established Adam as the head and authority of his wife, Eve. God designed men to lead.
Brother, I think it was partly cultural and the best way he knew to try to establish order. Just like when Israel found themselves in the deserts and they thought abandoned by Moses they went with what they knew. Started making golden idols like in Egypt.
However, let’s go with what you stated, Adam was first then Eve. Now if this correct? Then my question is this. Since the church is seen as the bride of Christ, which has come from the same lineage as Israel. Us being born again becoming betrothed to the Son. That we are married to the the groom Jesus the Christ which is the head of the church. Then being all women and subservient now, who amount is then is made worthy to speak on behalf of the head? Is the bride divided? What do we see in the teachings of how a man should treat a woman and how a woman should treat a man in marriage? Then if being born again we are now being given the dower of marriage paid by Jesus, holding to a contract for the marriage supper being the bride of Christ, and therefore subservient to our groom the head Jesus. Then again, who is the woman and who is the head?
The nature of women is the second reason Paul gives for prohibiting them from teaching or exercising authority in the church.
Paul says, “Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Tim 2:14). Paul is saying something about the natural constitution of men and women, that men as a class are naturally more fitted to teach and have authority in the church, but women are not.
Dr. Wayne Grudem says, “This is by far the most common viewpoint in the history of the interpretation of this passage” (Evangelical Feminism & Biblical Truth 70).[/QUOTE]
Brother, what happened when Adam told God she made me do it? Was he any less guilty then her? She didn’t make him eat it. She offered it, he ate it. We are all born sinners and lost. We must realize we are all sinners and from whence we have fallen so we can repent, be forgi n and return. If we are all sinners and it is apparent God didn’t accept, “she made me do it” as a valid argument for sin. I think this argument of authority due to who sinned first is null and void. She did fall first and led him to temptation, but he still did it. That doesn’t make her any less in God’s eyes does it? For if out of the womb of flesh came death, but also out of the womb of flesh came forth the salvation of man and life everlasting. Then who if anyone has made amends in the flesh?
A brother in Christ
I like what you stated below and will add my comments below your two statements for review.
This is why you stated “I will give you what I think is the reason behinds God's direction.”
The creation order is the first reason Paul gives for prohibiting women from teaching or exercising authority in the church.
Paul doesn’t ground his command in cultural considerations or a particular problem with the women in the Ephesian church. Rather, he grounds his command in creation. He says that the reason women are not to teach or exercise authority over men in the church is that....
“Adam was formed first, then Eve”. Paul means that God established Adam as the head and authority of his wife, Eve. God designed men to lead.
Brother, I think it was partly cultural and the best way he knew to try to establish order. Just like when Israel found themselves in the deserts and they thought abandoned by Moses they went with what they knew. Started making golden idols like in Egypt.
However, let’s go with what you stated, Adam was first then Eve. Now if this correct? Then my question is this. Since the church is seen as the bride of Christ, which has come from the same lineage as Israel. Us being born again becoming betrothed to the Son. That we are married to the the groom Jesus the Christ which is the head of the church. Then being all women and subservient now, who amount is then is made worthy to speak on behalf of the head? Is the bride divided? What do we see in the teachings of how a man should treat a woman and how a woman should treat a man in marriage? Then if being born again we are now being given the dower of marriage paid by Jesus, holding to a contract for the marriage supper being the bride of Christ, and therefore subservient to our groom the head Jesus. Then again, who is the woman and who is the head?
The nature of women is the second reason Paul gives for prohibiting them from teaching or exercising authority in the church.
Paul says, “Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Tim 2:14). Paul is saying something about the natural constitution of men and women, that men as a class are naturally more fitted to teach and have authority in the church, but women are not.
Dr. Wayne Grudem says, “This is by far the most common viewpoint in the history of the interpretation of this passage” (Evangelical Feminism & Biblical Truth 70).[/QUOTE]
Brother, what happened when Adam told God she made me do it? Was he any less guilty then her? She didn’t make him eat it. She offered it, he ate it. We are all born sinners and lost. We must realize we are all sinners and from whence we have fallen so we can repent, be forgi n and return. If we are all sinners and it is apparent God didn’t accept, “she made me do it” as a valid argument for sin. I think this argument of authority due to who sinned first is null and void. She did fall first and led him to temptation, but he still did it. That doesn’t make her any less in God’s eyes does it? For if out of the womb of flesh came death, but also out of the womb of flesh came forth the salvation of man and life everlasting. Then who if anyone has made amends in the flesh?
A brother in Christ