No we are not in the end Tim yet but at the beginning of the beginning. Daniel chapter 12 gives us a hint of the end times. Knowledge shall increase and people shall fun to and from, but the end times have not come. Even Jesus told us that no one knows the day or the time. Not even the Son of Man knows when he will return only the father in heaven knows the times.
I think the end times will start at the sign of peace with the rider of the White horse of revelation 6.
No we are no in the end times yet but close to it. Keep studying the end times prophecies.
I think the end times will start at the sign of peace with the rider of the White horse of revelation 6.
No we are no in the end times yet but close to it. Keep studying the end times prophecies.
My point: Jesus could come to rapture His Church at any moment. So there are no succession of judgment there are pursuant to the Second Coming.
And yes I do agree with you that Daniel chapter 12 gives us insight into technological phenomenon of the end times. And when I say "end times" I mean BEFORE the rapture during the Church age. So IMO we are there as far as that goes.
So ultimately yes I definitely agree that these are the "end times". Israel being in the land another indisputable signpost.
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