sounds more like a prob with sanctification
the Greek for 'saved' (you prob know this) is actually covering all 3 tenses
have been, are and will be
I am no expert in Greek but neither is the op so let's all walk in circles and bump into each other
the Greek for 'saved' (you prob know this) is actually covering all 3 tenses
have been, are and will be
I am no expert in Greek but neither is the op so let's all walk in circles and bump into each other
Does "salvation by grace through faith", mean the believer is "sanctified?"
Or, does the "process/es" of becoming sanctified just "happen?
Or, does one have to put forth "efforts", to become sanctified.
If the answer is yes! One does have to put forth "effort/s" in becoming sanctified.
Can you see how these "efforts", can be viewed by some as "works for salvation?"
Or, "works in maintaining salvation?"
Overcoming DEMANDS "works" or "efforts" TOWARDS sanctification.
That being said. Is one who has not gained any sanctification, yet believes, NOT saved?
This is where, and when, modern Christendom throws "the elect under the bus!"
This is when "being wise in their own conceits", teaches "You ARE SAVED!" "No need, to waste time and energy!" As they look down their nose/s at those "dummies", who put forth efforts in their "working for salvation." As they "fleece the flock", at their own discretion!
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