Wrong again with your false projections. I have indeed asked God on more than one occasion to alleviate the pain and suffering of others and put it upon me. On more than one occasion those prayers were answered. You’re better off quitting while you’re, well, not ahead.
Doesn't that give you bragging rights?
By the way, before you criticize my response, I do, in fact, believe that the atonement effects the renewal of all things, and the reversal of the Curse, but it is not fully consummated until Jesus' return, when the effects of the Fall are swallowed up, especially death.
That is why I am amillennial...death is defeated at the resurrection of the just which occurs at the return of Jesus. There is no room for continuing death and misery through a millennium. I Cor 15 says that death is defeated at the resurrection.
There isn't room for a 1000 year period where people still experience death and wickedness. Death is decisively defeated at the coming of Christ, although in a sense it has already been defeated within the elect.
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