Cultures especially ancient ones are part of the translation and interpretation difficulties.
I recently listened to some series of lectures by secular (I believe) scholars of history around the beginning of the NC era and before. They also used the Bible for some of their research. I don't recall ever learning as much about the cultures of the time.
The first question I had for my Greek professor was what the problem is after 2,000 years. His answer was 'eisegesis.' The issue is just letting the Text say what it says - letting God speak for Himself - and accepting it. There of course is "harmonization" as
@GWH speaks of. It is a lot of work as time has shown and searches around the globe are still going on for more information to help us.
I have mentioned this before but "harmonization" in one part of the globe is seen as "odd" or even "offensive" in another part of the globe.
Because it would be impossible for me to translate one word in a language into another language without losing all the cultural meaning behind it.
An example i gave many months ago here is the name of a male child in Albanian.
Let's take the name "Ermal", which is a very common Albanian male name.
Word for word, it means "the smell of the mountain". What's the mountain smell like? Like the smell of pines with yellow flowers and running waters.
How can i translate this into English as the name of a male? It's impossible. The best i can do is translate it literally as "Ermal" or even give it a western name like "Edmond" to make it more comfortable for the English audience.
But if i translate it as "Edmond", the Albanian audience will be like "Bro, are you high? What's Edmond got to to with Ermal?"
This is why we have to be content with the major things in our faith and forgive and even joke about the rest.
The word "murder" doesn't exist in the Albanian language. It's "kill".
And it's "kill" because it's not supposed to express some sort of technicality to avoid you of guilt or responsibility.
No, you killed another guy, you took a human life. The lawyers will then do their job being lawyers but the moral implication is that you killed. You didn't "murder". There is no such thing in the culture.