Hi Ruby123,
The Hebrew word
"shemittah [H8059]" (and meaning "release") is used
5x in the OT:
--Deut15:1, 2[2x], 9; 31:10
--in Deut31:10, it looks like this:
haš-šə-miṭ-ṭāh ['of the release']
--so, in Deut15:1, it says:
"At the end
H7093 of
every seven
H7651 years
H8141 thou shalt make
H6213 a release H8059 "
--BibleHub points one also to Exodus 21:1-11 and Leviticus 25:1-7
Now, please allow me (in efforts to answering your question in a somewhat round-about way, or at least getting toward that end) to place a few of my thoughts in somewhat of a bullet-point list, and (not trying to be "tricky" or anything, I'm just wanting you to let ME know if you think any of what I'm putting might align with the subject of your question--please help ME out, if you can):
[some of this will be a repeat, so my apologies, but I feel it's necessary to state in this way...]
"7-yr trib" [seals / trumpets / vials] falls within the
"IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" time-period, per
in contrast to "the things
WHICH ARE" (chpts 2-3) which are NOT said to be "things which must come to pass
are said to do;
The "SEALS" at the START of the "7-yr" period are EQUIVALENT to "the beginning of birth PANG
S" (Matt24:4-8 / Mk13:5-8 / Lk21:8-11 and Paul speaks of the "KICK-OFF" i.e.
SINGULAR]" / the ARRIVAL of it, in both 1Th5:1-3 as well as in 2Th2:3b,6,8a,9a ("
parousia" of the "man of sin" IN HIS TIME--corresponding to Daniel
9:27a[,26b "prince
aka SEAL #1 at the START of the "7-yrs"... exactly the person Jesus is speaking of in Matt24:
5 "G5100 -
tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE' ['a certain one'
bringing deception]");
--Rev8:1-5 is describing things in association with "the Day of Atonement [i.e. Yom Kippur]" (a Hebrew calendar date falling in our Sept/Oct)...It speaks also of the "silence in heaven
about the space of half an hour"... and
verse 13 speaks of Trumpets 5, 6 and 7 (the "3 Woes")... connecting "
Trumpet #5 / 1st Woe unto the earth" (
both here and elsewhere in Rev) with the
MID-trib point, as I see the texts saying (so,
in proximity to the afore-mentioned date on a calendar);
--Matt24:36 (and parallels) "knoweth [perfect indicative] no man" (not saying they'll NEVER know)
is speaking of His Second Coming to the earth , per CONTEXT (Rev19 / Matt24:29-31 / Isa27:12-13[,9 (elect of Israel)])... so NOT speaking of "our Rapture/SNATCH [IN THE AIR]" point in time... so if this is an "idiom" as many suggest (referring to "Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets"), the
supposed idiom is
not speaking of "our Rapture" time-slot anyway... And I tend to believe it would NOT be speaking of "Rosh Hashanah / FoTr"... but perhaps a
different "New Moon"!!
YES, I see THAT as more likely... (ex. Numb10:1-10 makes it sound as though "trumpets [or trumpet]" is sounded on
EVERY new moon [i.e.
EVERY month]... ); So "GREAT" trumpet (in the passages I listed in this section) could very well take place at the beginning of a month... ("ROSH" of a
different month, instead of "
[the "pro" (
versus "con") of this, is that there are exactly "2520 days" between" such (in certain "sets of seven years")... where as, from "RH / FoTr" to _____ [i.e. fall-to-fall], t
here never is... if that makes sense; And I am one who sees the various "time-stamps" and timing-indicators abundantly scattered throughout Revelation, as CONNECTING to actual [
biblically-pertinent] calendar dates, rather than RANDOM dates on a calendar... without going into the specifics in this already-too-long post

One example though, which I've mentioned before: "kings [went/]go out to battle" at a very specific time/ calendar-date (think: Rev19); etc etc];
--I do believe "our Rapture" takes place pretty much LOCK-STEP WITH [that is,
just preceding] the INITIAL moments of the "7-yr period" (which "7-yr" trib period's "KICK-OFF" point / STARTING point is SEAL #1 / Matt24:4-Mk13:5 / the "man of sin BE REVEALED" [which is NOT at the LATER moment when he does the 2Th2:4b "SITTETH" thing] / that is, the "KICK-OFF" point of the "7-yr period" is Dan9:
26b / 2Th2:9a!] --"our Rapture" will have PRECEDED that! [lock-step... but THAT SEQUENCE, per Paul's repeating THAT VERY SEQUENCE
3x in 2Th2, agreeing with all other texts on this Subject])
Having said all this...
help me out, Ruby123!! [lol]... Are
you seeing that any of what I've put (re: my viewpoint ^ which is only a snippet, believe it or not

... just enough to show the basic "outline" of the time-line, here ^ )... does this ^ ,
in your understanding, resemble such a "time-line" [outline] that could be said to
"LOOK LIKE" what either some folks are labeling as a "
shemittah" or what Scripture itself calls a "
shemittah" (top of this post) or perhaps your understanding of what a "
shemittah" is?
I can't say I'm sure one way or another... at least, as far as what some others are calling a "
[like I said in another post, I am confident that Dan12 is saying that "the WISE [of Israel, per context, which is DURING the future Trib yrs, when they come to faith in Christ] WILL UNDERSTAND," that this "UNDERSTAND" thing will INCLUDE the timing-issues specifically spelled out IN THAT TEXT, which [believing-]Israel (those having come to faith IN that time-period, the Trib yrs FOLLOWING "our Rapture") will be UNIQUELY-QUALIFED to "grasp [/understand]," at a time when there will be great deception!
[I believe Matt25:40,45's "the least of these My brethren" speaks of these, among other passages--and those "of the nationS" will either be called "ye BLESSED" by our Lord, or "ye CURSED," based on their having either "blessed" them themselves,
or hadn't,
DURING THE TRIB YRS (see the OT connection to "BLESS" or "CURSE" regarding this very matter)]