Why is the earth so big?
Why are more than two people saved?
Why are more than two people saved?
In other words, God knew it was improbable, but on principle reinforcing duty, chose to do this way. Success was guaranteed with minimal casualty.
Why 2 ? Why 1? Why 7 billion? It is moot, until one obeys the mind of God. God has a higher purpose by which we can conjecture the purpose.
Consider 1 parameter - optimum. 2 or more parameters - optimal. God corporately benefits us to the desired endline. If we will respond to one or the other, we will remain strong in thn the presence of God
If you had all the maxwell demons at your command, how many mechanisms are required to make a adequate energy sources, the appropriate timing, etc.., The likelihoods are hugely small. The just right mass, the just right energy at the just right time, are so out of the world that I must say someone is responsible r=that fiddled with the dials of the universe. "paraphrased hubble"
Why so big - simplest.
Why just 2? 1 parameter is optimum.
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