Couldnt of said it better myself.
In another thread here someone posted some "worship music" and the guy looked/sounded/dressed/acted like a member of the backstreet boys! Moaning to the microphone! That kind of singing style wouldnt fly in the 1800s, nobody would hear you. SING LOUD
I hope God raises up some real hairylegged redblooded men of God to the pulpits again and kicks these sissies out.
here is a fun exercise: Go and listen to some sermons from a while back, some hellfire and brimstone preaching. Then go and listen to the modern sissified TRASH they preach, its like NIGHT and DAY!
Hell -> separation from God's love
Saved -> relationship with God
Christ is THE way -> Christ is a way
Non-Christians are lost -> we dont know for sure, maybe they got a relationship with God by worshiping a stone
Get saved -> "connect"
Fear the Lord! -> Jesus is my homeboy, I play basketball with Him
Dressing modestly -> dressing immodest, flashy, sodomite looking
Pulpit and pews -> stage, smoke machines, dimmed lights, bar stool
Singing hymns -> singing contemporary music or LISTENING to the 'worship team' sing it.
Be ye separate, dont conform to the world -> "engage" the culture, new christianity
Couldnt of said it better myself.
In another thread here someone posted some "worship music" and the guy looked/sounded/dressed/acted like a member of the backstreet boys! Moaning to the microphone! That kind of singing style wouldnt fly in the 1800s, nobody would hear you. SING LOUD
I hope God raises up some real hairylegged redblooded men of God to the pulpits again and kicks these sissies out.
here is a fun exercise: Go and listen to some sermons from a while back, some hellfire and brimstone preaching. Then go and listen to the modern sissified TRASH they preach, its like NIGHT and DAY!
Hell -> separation from God's love
Saved -> relationship with God
Christ is THE way -> Christ is a way
Non-Christians are lost -> we dont know for sure, maybe they got a relationship with God by worshiping a stone
Get saved -> "connect"
Fear the Lord! -> Jesus is my homeboy, I play basketball with Him
Dressing modestly -> dressing immodest, flashy, sodomite looking
Pulpit and pews -> stage, smoke machines, dimmed lights, bar stool
Singing hymns -> singing contemporary music or LISTENING to the 'worship team' sing it.
Be ye separate, dont conform to the world -> "engage" the culture, new christianity
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