No, you wouldn't want to publicly shame anyone. You'd rather just bring it up then leave it to everyone's imagination what you're talking about. LOL It would be much preferable if you spoke your mind rather that being a passive-aggressive little weasel.
I have been open from the start I told you many times before I am an open book but when it comes to you there requires a different appraoch.
God and I have been talking a lot about you and now I only feel compassion for you because I know now this persona you put on is not what is really going on.
Even with basic psycholoagy you show all the signs of one who is not doing well inside. You often times become very agitated when I say things I am told by him about you you I don't even know if I have ever even seen you speak anythingg positive your here to debate and argue you love the rise you get and with me in particular you always try to bait me into arguements and debates you become very urked when I don't respond to something you say and it isn't that I am ignoring you but there is no reasoning with you becaause you don't want to be reasoned with you want to argue there is nothing I can say that you won't somehow twist and try to make me seem like I am saying something else.
But the dryness I spoke of before I didn't realize back then it wasn't the holy spirit that the driness was it was you and not in an insulting way but as someone who needs a lot of prayer that bitterness I spoke of before reuires patience and love, the game I spoke of requires to be starved.
As long as you get the response your hoping for you are never going to be healed inside and I don't expect any good response from you that is fine you can call me a weasel that is fine but he is still calling you the phone is still ringing and I have already sent my request to Jesus for you and will be in constant prayer until he breaks through in you.
It may take months days or even until the last moment we are here but I wwill go before him on your behalf