I never knew a Jewish person who hated Christian. I attended a Jewish Temple and do at times, Who are reformed. There not to far from the Evangelical teaching, at all, if you read the books that are read on the Sabbath.
I posted about Jesus on Israel National RAdio, which is on line, That Jesus is not a religion, or a denomination, but a relationship. I got the most beautifulest loving letter, replied back to the email, ever. Thanking me, for explaining it so beautifully, and with such kindness.
God's word is yes and amen. When he said Bless and pray for the peace of Israel, then we should obey. Everyithing started from Genesis, to Revelation. The Phrophets are our for fathers, and the 12 Tribes are going to be written on the 12 gates in heaven and the 12 apostales, stated in the book of REv. God is love, and he dosn't hate, were the ones' who are partial, discriminate, Judge etc.
Jesus sat in the Mt. of Olives, and wept. Looking towards Jerusalem, and said,"Oh if I could put you under my wings like a mother hen, but you have denied me and the prophets. They are Blessed to be a blessing to us.