Much is made of obedience and following God's commandments. The problem is not so much what to do as how. For example, there is conjecture as to what it means to obey the commandments. It seems to me that it is clear that there are many more commandments than the 10 given to Moses. Many of the Levitical commandments are impossible to obey, as there is no tabernacle, no priesthood or temple. And the Law was given to Israel anyway. Is this not a recipe for confusion?
For example, one commandment is for children to honour their father and mother. The NT add, parents do not provoke your children to anger (Ephesians 6:4). You could be following the 10 commandments to the letter and still be disobeying God.
We are commanded to "walk in the Spirit". If we are doing this, we will bear fruit that is acceptable to God. Note the word "bear". Paul contrasts this with "works" of the flesh. It is possible to be working with all our strength, only to be piling up dead works.
Fruit trees do not work. They cannot. The farmer has to prune and fertilise the tree to get the best from it. Jesus described Himself as the Vine ad we who believe the branches. All we need to do is to live in the vine, to stay attached, so to speak. When we are in this state, the life that is in the "Vine" flows through us and fruit is the result. God takes care of the branches. The same life that is in Christ is therefore in us as long as we stay connected.
Legalism separates us from Christ (Galatians 5:4)
"You who are trying to be justified by the law have been severed from Christ; you have fallen away from grace."
So for those who are attempting to be justified by following the Law, all they have is dead works. God is not pleased. Only what is of His Son is pleasing to God.
So how do we walk in the Spirit? It is by the exercise of our will. If we do not choose to walk in the Spirit, we are choosing the works of the flesh. No matter how good our intentions, we will surely fail.
We need to see that we are sanctified, which means to be set apart for a holy purpose. God already set us apart. He calls us now to live in the truth. If we will accept the Lordship of Christ and follow His leading, like the Vine dresser prunes the vine, so God will cleanse and purge us so that we bear fruit. Start each day by committing your ways to Christ and inviting Him to take complete control. Then live secure in the knowledge that you are safe and secure in Christ, trusting Him to keep you in His keeping power.
For example, one commandment is for children to honour their father and mother. The NT add, parents do not provoke your children to anger (Ephesians 6:4). You could be following the 10 commandments to the letter and still be disobeying God.
We are commanded to "walk in the Spirit". If we are doing this, we will bear fruit that is acceptable to God. Note the word "bear". Paul contrasts this with "works" of the flesh. It is possible to be working with all our strength, only to be piling up dead works.
Fruit trees do not work. They cannot. The farmer has to prune and fertilise the tree to get the best from it. Jesus described Himself as the Vine ad we who believe the branches. All we need to do is to live in the vine, to stay attached, so to speak. When we are in this state, the life that is in the "Vine" flows through us and fruit is the result. God takes care of the branches. The same life that is in Christ is therefore in us as long as we stay connected.
Legalism separates us from Christ (Galatians 5:4)
"You who are trying to be justified by the law have been severed from Christ; you have fallen away from grace."
So for those who are attempting to be justified by following the Law, all they have is dead works. God is not pleased. Only what is of His Son is pleasing to God.
So how do we walk in the Spirit? It is by the exercise of our will. If we do not choose to walk in the Spirit, we are choosing the works of the flesh. No matter how good our intentions, we will surely fail.
We need to see that we are sanctified, which means to be set apart for a holy purpose. God already set us apart. He calls us now to live in the truth. If we will accept the Lordship of Christ and follow His leading, like the Vine dresser prunes the vine, so God will cleanse and purge us so that we bear fruit. Start each day by committing your ways to Christ and inviting Him to take complete control. Then live secure in the knowledge that you are safe and secure in Christ, trusting Him to keep you in His keeping power.
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