he was the king newsman back in the 20th century. everyone listened to him. he was honest, direct, told the truth in a convincing authoritative way & didn't waste words. what i liked most about him was his "strait-ahead" exact style. that's how i am. another words, if someone asked me, "karlon, how do you think the band was"? & if the band was lousy, i'd say, "well robert, their delivery was horrible, they can't play worth beans & the singer is flat often". yup! just like that! why lie? i had a girlfriend awhile ago who couldn't cook worth crumbs & she asked me about a dinner she made for me & i told her the truth immediately. she didn't like that at all. she cooked small pieces of chicken for 2 & a half hours at 350 degrees! holy heavens". the chicken was softer than berries. she never cooked for me again. good!!!