God definitely does still speak, but to individuals and limited groups, not to “everyone”. His will for “everyone” is revealed in the Bible.
thank you for that post through you. Love it
About God not speaking to everyone I see as not true, God does still speak as you said
I do not see God not speaking to everyone. And yes to the Bible having the messages from God in loving us all. to me at least as well.
As, I have myself learned to listen, having two ears, one mouth to see to listen twice as much to God personally within me, seeing what has gotten done for me from the first day I decided to believe God.
God speaks to everyone still, not everyone hears. And religion has taken that over as if they are mediators between people and risen Son, which for me is not good for my soul.
Yet, many a times these preachers, do not preach risen Son, these I have experienced and seen these only preaching a dead Son, and if you mention a risen Son. The reply oh yeah, then right back to the dead Son, which by the dead Son willingly through Son, the work is done for us to be viewed as perfect from Father forever by that done work of Son as in Col 1 states this to me anyways. Believe Son is risen for you and Father will show you, has shown me this as I am still in process too.
Jesus the risen plus nothing else
Wow, woe is me as in Isaiah 6:1-7
Seek to encourage and let people be people, tell others your belief and let actions and reactions speak louder than words, to me at least, I can only speak what I am taught and not make any doctrines out of anything but Christ the risen after he first in his one time willing death took away all sin in his Father's sight for us (John 1:29) to have a personal relationship and learn new from mistakes we all have made and might and do make again, I have and Daddy, wow! I am in thanksgiving and praise trusting you to teach me new, even since I have sinned again, now seeing you love me and do teach me new, I do not know how, I just know someway, somehow you will, and have not ever given up on me or anyone else either, thank you, God Father and Son won for us all, by becoming the propitiation for any sin ever committed or might commit (How fast is any sin past) we, me by God remain forgiven from God thanks to Son. as forgiven to teach us, me new. Might be time to go to God and ask willingly to get tough and see the win for us all, if anyone has not done that yet, maybe you decide, I have
I have, the truth does set you free, and only from God who we do not see physically anymore today after reported he is risen by the disciples to us all.that is where the new life in God father's spirit and truth reside for each of us, thanks