Amazing. You're right. If we talk about secular things not pertaining to the Bible we get along. Sincere people would be bothered about that conundrum. "let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die." (Isiah 22:13b) Actually, I agree wholeheartedly with you knowing this site would have less arguing about Biblical principles if it were a secular site. Of course then we'd be putting up with far less desirable rhetoric if that were the case.

!*#&*()*&@$#& and so on. Good Day.
Who said anything about this site? The Site is CC. We are speaking of the BDF,,,,,,one Forum on this site. And HOW EXACTLY does ARGUING Biblical principles equate to Christian love and fellowship, which IS WHAT the Church is suppose to be engaging in? As for "less desirable rhetoric" you only have to read any of the threads on BDF to find such. Tell me why, on a Christian Forum, it is acceptable to name call, backbite, demean, degrade, belittle and attack believers simply because they may disagree with a point of theology? If that is what you think believers should be doing, then possibly you should consider spending more time reading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.