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  1. NotYourAverageGirl


    I can't get on chat. Anyone know why this might be? I click on it and nothing happens.
  2. NotYourAverageGirl

    What to do, what to do...

    Hey everyone. I could really use some opinions from you guys. I live with my grandparents, and my grandpaw had a liver transplant 6 years ago and because of this, his immune system is really low. He can get sick very easily, and often does. I have been wanting a dog for a really long time, so my...
  3. NotYourAverageGirl

    My Grandmother...

    My Grandmother woke up with a terrible Migraine today, and she ended up feeling so sick that she was taken to the hospital tonight. So, she is there right now. She looked miserable earlier and it broke my heart. So, if you would keep her in your prayers it would be very appreciated! Thank you...
  4. NotYourAverageGirl

    Could use prayer...

    Hey you guys. I'm going through a really rough time right now, and I feel like it's hard to carry on. If you could keep me in your prayers I would truly appreciate it. Thank you.
  5. NotYourAverageGirl


    Hello. =) I'm new here! My name's Kimberly, and I'm 17 yrs old. I am a Christian, and I have been for as long as I can remember. I love Jesus with all my heart and soul, though I've had plenty of struggles with questioning and even doubting. Through it all, no matter what, deep in my heart I...