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  1. sondra333

    Are We Approaching "that day", "the last day"?

    I believe what we're doing is we mishandled Satan or the enemy for it says that we are to love thine enemy and pray for those that persecute us and yet the greatest enemy of all we say to the other.... not this one that's just for man when the Lord died for the WORLD. and what of overcoming evil...
  2. sondra333


    I must admit that I am not familiar with the feasts and I did understand that the spiritual bread or mana was the Lord for I would understand that this unleavened bread of which you speak is Him as well, ty for your writing and time I enjoyed reading!
  3. sondra333

    The enemy

    Ty I appreciate you! And may God bless you so much that you have to share!
  4. sondra333

    The enemy

    Strange how so? If you don't mind
  5. sondra333

    The enemy

    Was curious of what you didn't agree with? And what you did ty for fixing the block format didn't even think and ty for your time
  6. sondra333

    The enemy

    Agreed but I will show love ,mercy, grace forgiveness, charity ,kindness long-suffering, patience and goodness for all creations that are before me and let God decide their fate for He is the one true judge. This was basically the point that I was hoping to make for if you change your walk...
  7. sondra333

    The enemy

    It's now in paragraph format thanks to one of the members here
  8. sondra333

    The enemy

    Amen ty for ta Amen ty for taking time to read what I wrote
  9. sondra333

    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    Yes I did and did you receive what I was stating?
  10. sondra333

    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    I wrote something about the enemy or ungodly tonight called the enemy you might find interesting Gbu and love to you
  11. sondra333

    The enemy

    the enemy... It is said to love thine enemy and pray for those that persecute you and yet we say nah not that one for he is God's enemy. Do you not reside in God? Also considering we were once enemies now called friends and given the example of Christ our Lord and savior how do we treat...
  12. sondra333

    Father help me.....

    Father, I was discussing the fact that i have been with the same woman for almost 21 years now, and had met her 9 years before i was baptized by Your Holy Spirit in which 5 years prior we had a ceremony, and over the 12 years now that i have been a christian i asked You one night weeping at the...
  13. sondra333

    Who is the Nephilim?

    9feet tall i would not think make the Israelites feel like grasshoppers would it? :) and also hi by the way hope you are having a very good and blessed day!
  14. sondra333

    Who is the Nephilim?

    Hello brethren, I am so often very confused when it comes to this subject....I had believed the Sons of God were the angels that had fallen and thus were involved with the women of men. Some i have heard say this is ridiculous and that it was the lineage of Seth and the women were of the...